Yonago Acta medica 2010;53:025–028
Circular Dichroism Studies on C-terminal Zinc Finger Domain of Transcription Factor GATA-2
Ojeiru F. Ezomo, Kazuya Takahashi, Yuki Horie, Mohammed S. Mustak and Shunsuke Meshitsuka
Division of Integrative Bioscience, Institute of Regenerative Medicine and Biofunction, Graduate School of Medical Science, Tottori University, Yonago 683-8503, Japan
The C-terminal zinc finger domain of GATA-2 transcription factor from Rattus norvegicus has been expressed and purified to elucidate its secondary structure using circular dichroism spectroscopy. Circular dichroism spectra showed that native GATA-2 C-terminal domain of (Cys)4 type zinc finger has 12% α-helix, 36% β-sheet and 52% random coil content. The estimated structure was compared with predicted structures by sequence based prediction software SOPMA and found to be similar. Furthermore, the effect of pH on the secondary structure of GATA-2 C-finger was examined. This study provides an insight into the understanding of the structure and function of transcription factor GATA-2.
Key words: circular dichroism; GATA-2; transcription factor; Zn finger
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