Yonago Acta medica 1996;39:151–154
Selective Enhancement of Expression of Class-Mu Glutathione S-Transferase Genes during Involution of Rat Ventral Prostate Induced by Androgen Withdrawal
Yoshiko Hoshikawa and Takeshi Sairenji
Department of Biosignaling, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University, Yonago 683, Japan
cDNA clones encoding class-Mu subunits (Yb1, Yb2 and Yb3) of glutathione S-transferases were isolated from a cDNA library of a rat ventral prostate. The mRNA levels of Yb1, Yb2 and Yb3 were significantly elevated in the prostate of androgen-ablated rats. The enhancement of gene expression was characteristic for class-Mu subunits, since the relative abundance of mRNAs for class-Alpha and class-Pi was not affected by castration. The up-regulation of transcripts was repressed by immediate administration of testosterone propionate after castration.
Key words: class-Mu subunits; glutathione S-transferase; mRNA; ventral prostate
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